Vote Laura for Fredon BOE!
Dear Neighbor - As a proud member of the Fredon community, I'm eager to contribute my skills to find ways to raise the bar and bring more...
Fresh. Civil. Independent.
A Positive Voice For A Beautiful Town
Vote Laura for Fredon BOE!
Benefits of a School Regionalization Study
Fredon Pays For It
Fredon’s State-Run Social Media
Vote Yes to Fredon School’s Budget!
Re-Examining Fredon’s Master Plan
A New Year for Fredon
Insights from the Campaign
A Reference Guide to Laura’s Views and Ideas
Short-Term Rentals in Fredon
Empty Seats
The Fredon Party
Potential Costs of a Bad Reputation
The Volunteer Advantage
Making Sense of Fredon’s Census
My Choice To Cool Off
My Uncensored and Unexpected Blessing
The No-Need-To-Panic Truth About The Health Curriculum
On Mrs. Beem’s Pond
My Dissents for April, May, and June