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My Dissents for April, May, and June

There have been three votes at recent Fredon Township Committee meetings that I think would be of interest to some citizens, so I am summarizing them below. I would have been the only voice to vote “no” or to dissent on the topics. I haven’t noticed anything else out of the ordinary lately.

Please feel free to reach out to me through email at for more information or to let me know your thoughts too. As always, I ask for discussions to remain productive and civil.

Updated Ordinance Related to the Reporting Structure of the Volunteer Fire Company and First Responders

From how I understand it, this ordinance attempts to reset the reporting structure and what I see as the “ground rules” in the relationship between the volunteer fire department and emergency medical services (EMS) team with the Fredon Township Committee.

To be fair, I will preface the following explanation about how I would have voted “no” on this updated ordinance with the fact that I have not been in the room for every discussion between the leaders of our hard working volunteers and a few members of the Fredon Township Committee who are trying to maintain a good working relationship together. I do see a chance for a future relationship that is collaborative between them and for this ordinance to be a first step.

However, the leaders of the volunteer organization spoke at the Township Committee on June 9, 2022. After about two heated hours of discussions on the relationship, the Township Committee agreed to hold off on passing the ordinance until another more productive meeting between both sides occurred.

That meeting did not occur before the ordinance was passed at the next meeting on June 23.

I would have voted “no” on passing the ordinance and asked for it to be tabled until the original public verbal promise of a more productive joint meeting occurred.

I believe this relationship has to have more of a two-way balance for it to work and for our volunteers to effectively continue to serve this community and keep us safe and healthy.

I’m concerned about the morale of our neighbors and volunteers on the fire department and EMS teams. We can’t afford to lose them and be without enough support in an emergency. Taxpayers also can’t afford to be forced into paid fire and EMS services if communication doesn’t improve.

Please consider saying thank you to our volunteers in person when you see them or sending an email to let them know how much you appreciate everything they do to keep us healthy and safe.

School Budget Referendum

I would have also voted no in a recent meeting on the School Budget referendum and sided with the voters who voted down the school budget.

Yes, you read that correctly, and please let me explain.

Fredon was put through what can only be described as a “public divorce” in my opinion over the school budget in the last few years. I saw it as a fracture of a wonderful community that is now desperate to heal again.

Petitioners for the right to vote on the budget won. We now pay more than $15,000 annually for the school budget vote to occur in April.

The school has worked so hard to get the budget under control even as we continue to have budgets cut by the state. Still, this past April, after another round of harsh cuts from the state, the school budget was voted down by the voters again. When that occurs, the Township and the Board of Education (BOE) meet to discuss next steps and cuts.

I understand the Committee’s intention, but we have been divided as a community over this right to vote, we’ve paid more than $30,000 on two elections so far, and from my perspective, the Township Committee overturned the voice of the voters this year.

Yes, it would have devastated me to vote against the Committee and side with voters who asked for cuts to the school, but I believe that if we go through all of this trouble to give citizens a right to vote, then we should listen to them even if we ask the school for the proposed minimal cuts of $25,000.

I also think more effective proactive communication ahead of the vote from the Township Committee would have helped the budget pass. I believe we vote for the BOE to make the best budget and educational decisions, and I would like to see them have more autonomy and support from us all to do their jobs as elected officials too.

Parental Bill of Rights

I have spoken at length on this topic and spoke at the recent Township Meeting on it too. I misunderstood a question and answered it incorrectly during what I saw as a “cross-examination” during my public comment on the issue. I stand by my beliefs, but wanted to clarify what I mean when I say that I believe students’ rights should come before parents’ rights in a public educational setting.

I do not believe there should be a way for students to be able to opt in or out of the curriculum themselves, but students have a right to learn.

There are students who have strong advocates at home and those parents can choose what is best for their child on how to teach them different topics. There are also students without strong advocates and they are not guided in what sexual abuse and healthy sexual practices look like as they grow in a world that moves faster than most of us are comfortable with because of the internet and technology. The state needs to protect them from real predators and education is key. Yes, it is all uncomfortable to talk about, but our staff has background checks and necessary certifications and training to handle these topics appropriately.

It is heartbreaking and easier to look away, but abuse does occur in Sussex County and not just in cities far away.

If you haven’t already, please consider signing up for Township alerts so you can follow agendas and minutes too if you can’t make it to meetings. The more informed we are, the more effective input we can provide to the Township Committee.


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