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Who Picks Fredon's Mayor?

In Fredon, we elect five people to serve on our Township Committee. The five seats become open on a staggered basis, so not all are open at once in the same election year.

During their annual reorganization meeting in January, the Committee then votes for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor who will serve for the year.

At times in Fredon, the leadership positions have been on a rotated basis. If you have questions on this process or input on who you would like to see in leadership positions on the Committee for 2023, I suggest contacting the Committee directly with comments before the end of 2022.

I tend to give feedback to Deputy Mayor Glenn Dietz because, to me, he has the right mix of being an experienced leader, being approachable and receptive, and staying positive. I am still getting to know them all, so you may find you connect with the other members too!


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