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Why I Vote By Mail

I know that not everyone is comfortable with voting by mail, and it took me some time to understand its appeal, but I finally have to admit that it has a lot of perks. Here is an application if you are interested and a few reasons why I appreciate that we have this option in New Jersey:

1. When our ballots come in the mail typically weeks before the election, my husband Don and I sit down together with our coffee and research the candidates and referendums and discuss it all before we vote our individual choices.

I can’t remember us having the same fun discussing the election when our sample ballots came in the mail or when we would rush to the polls after work just to vote in the two hour window we had before rushing home to make dinner and get the kids in bed. I simply love that voting is much more thoughtful, enjoyable, and less stressful this way.

2. I also like that no matter where I mail it from, I can track my ballot online to make sure it got where it needed to go and was counted.

3. Finally, I like the idea that those who will be away, who can’t drive to the polls themselves or who have difficulty getting around physically still have access to an alternative that fits their lifestyle. The more people who can and do vote on Tuesday, November 8, the better!

If you would like to vote by mail, you can fill out an application, and according to the form, you can mail it to the Sussex County Clerk’s office up to 7 days before an election or you can go there in person by 3 p.m. the day before the election to submit it.

If you choose to vote by mail, I hope you enjoy it as much as my husband and I do!


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